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Campaign On Dice

Nov 27, 2019

This week we make friends with a well-endowed stranger, wrestle massive tentacles with our bare hands, and steal a simpering head.

Space is weird.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku

TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy


Nov 20, 2019

We're thrust into the future for a brand new adventure, as we recreate the most exciting part of all sci-fi franchises - crawling around in endless corridors and opening bland nondescript hatches. And whilst the admin in this book is horribly over-complicated, we do know one thing for sure... D = dead.

May our stamina...

Nov 13, 2019

From a troll who may not be real, to a zombie pop star, to a monk with an insect on his head; every page of this book seems to have been created by a random encounter generator. But will we escape Orb with the Talisman? And will Mark eat the dick apple?

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with...

Nov 6, 2019

First we don't have the Talisman of Death, then we do have it, then we don't... will we have it by the end of this episode? Will we upset people with our bizarre array of accents? Will any of the characters take a bite of the glass pancake?

May our...