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Campaign On Dice

Aug 18, 2021

We've spent too much time pressing buttons in lifts and wasting time in corridors, so we're definitely not going to do any more of that. Also, we absolutely understand how combat works in these books after 128 episodes, and we're not going to get anything wrong.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not...

Aug 11, 2021

There are bots everywhere and everyone's asleep... and that's just the live chat LOL jk etc. Due to popular demand we're restarting Robot Commando with a live audience to help us make exciting decisions about corridors.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music:...

Aug 4, 2021

We've fought robots and dinosaurs, and now we have to fight a robot dinosaur. It's definitely not a copyright-infringing duplicate of any other robot dinosaur though, and Steve Jackson has never even heard of Grimlock so stop asking him about it.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with...