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Campaign On Dice

Jul 29, 2020

With great power there must also come great responsibility. But with rubbish powers you might as well go to an amusement park, right?

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku

TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy

Jul 22, 2020

Look, up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Yes, it's probably those things. Mark becomes an embarrassingly low tier superhero this week, bravely facing the evils of office work before creating as much street crime as he tackles.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting...

Jul 15, 2020

Our holidaymaking takes us to Palm Island this week, and Martyn is keen to use his magic bird stick to prove he's the best pirate.

This book is stupid.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku

TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy

Jul 8, 2020

The holiday cruise on the Seas of Blood continues as the crew of the Banshee head to Roc, which can't possibly be named after a giant murderous mythical bird that will want to peck everyone to death.

Still, at least there are plenty of crew members to help fight off any... oh.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on...

Jul 1, 2020

We’re a jolly good ship with a jolly good crew,
Away for Trysta!
We can stick to the coast though we’re lost if we do,
And we’re bound for the Seas of Blood!

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku