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Campaign On Dice

Jan 26, 2022

We find religion this week as we encounter a scary preacher and test our faith in Libra, despite living in a world where gods and goddesses are definitively and demonstrably real, and thoughts and prayers actually mean something.     

May our stamina never fail! 

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting...

Jan 19, 2022

It’s our raunchiest episode yet, with nudity, groaning and throbbing all over the place, all accompanied by the best voice work Tim has ever done.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku

TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy

Jan 12, 2022

Bag of teeth in hand and Tim in tow, we head back to Kakhabad to face our most daring quest yet - measuring up caves like some kind of fantasy estate agents.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku

TWITTER: @spreadthewhimsy

Jan 5, 2022

How can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? One will see you in a while, and the other one will attempt to do sustained damage to your perineum.

May our stamina never fail!

Campaign on Dice is not affiliated with Fighting Fantasy.

Theme Music: Battle of Pogs - Komiku